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Logistics Services

Superior efficiency with Murphy’s logistics services

让墨菲成为您的长期物流服务合作伙伴,可以让您获得美国最好的铁路支线设施之一和广泛的定制物流服务. 是明尼阿波里斯市唯一一家经营对外贸易区的民营物流公司, 我们可以为进口商提供在正式入境前满足海关规定的机会. Our complete logistics solutions—3PL Brokerage, rail, asset-based carrier, custom distribution, and U.S. customs—allow your business to operate more efficiently.


Moving goods seamlessly

In addition to the fleet of Murphy trucks, 我们承诺的第三方物流货运代理服务使我们能够专注于您在整个北美的供应链解决方案和运输服务需求. We do this by leveraging our relationships with other carriers. Through this partner program, Murphy functions as a 500-truck fleet, supplying you with committed equipment when you need it at the best price. 我们通过持续监测承运人的表现和道路安全,与这些货物保持联系.

墨菲过去120年的丰富传统使我们能够在信任的基础上建立这个独特的航母项目, integrity, and established relationships. Through these relationships, Murphy继续为财富500强的托运人和初创托运人提供实用的第三方物流货运经纪服务.

When You Need Freight Broker Companies

In the logistics industry, 货运代理公司是扮演协调者角色的第三方实体, 将需要运输货物的企业与提供运输和物流服务的承运人联系起来. This includes negotiating rates, schedules, and all other details.

优质的第三方物流货运经纪公司将与几家提供全线运输服务的承运人建立关系. 我们的合作伙伴关系使我们能够为包括医疗在内的各种行业提供服务, food, industrial, and consumer goods. 这意味着我们提供的冷藏和干式货车解决方案可以满足大多数需求.

More Than Just 3PL Freight Brokerage Services

通常情况下,大多数货运经纪服务都不提供基于资产的运输服务, but at Murphy Logistics, we have the advantage of also owning our own equipment, 因此,我们可以在为客户提供最佳解决方案的情况下提供内部服务. 墨菲实际上拥有并经营着北美最好的资产基础车队之一, so we can proudly demonstrate that we are a true asset based carrier.

我们的第三方物流货运经纪服务让您安心,知道所有的文书工作正在处理, all regulations are being followed, and all results will meet your expectations. 我们的团队由具有多年提供经纪解决方案经验的行业专家组成.  

To get started, simply complete the contact form or RFQ form below. 然后,我们的第三方物流经纪服务团队将为您确定最佳选择,以便我们可以讨论它们并缩小如何实现您的运输目标.

如果您发现在您的过程中还需要仓储,我们甚至可以提供我们的信任 warehousing and distribution solutions in Minnesota or Missouri. 这个临时保留选项有时在连接运输和接收之间的点时需要. 幸运的是,我们有15个仓储和配送物流园区来解决这个问题. 这些端到端物流服务是买球赛用什么app和网站在竞争中脱颖而出的众多优势之一. 

Whatever your need, Murphy Logistics has the solution for you. As a well-established leader among 3PL freight brokerage companies, we have years of successful experience assisting companies of all types, so let’s discuss how we can work with you. Give us a call or fill out one of the forms below to get started!

Transport (Asset Based Carrier & Rail)

Reliable logistics with dependable equipment

With multiple terminals in Iowa, the Twin Cities area, and Kansas City, MO, 墨菲仓储公司致力于拥有和经营一个最好的物流服务与资产为基础的车队在北美. Murphy’s experienced drivers set the team apart from the competition. Our drivers are exceptional, and this clearly shows when they deliver. Our last touch is providing a great customer experience from start to finish.

Customer Services & Communication

墨菲经验丰富的机队提供卓越的客户服务和运营. Multiple teams and resources allow our fleet to:

  • Flex capacity
  • Pass savings on to client partners
  • Deliver reliable results

墨菲最先进的设备和维护计划确保了车队的可靠性,并随时准备满足您的需求. All trucks have multiple communication capabilities, like satellite tracking and on-board communications. Murphy can pinpoint your freight location all the time, every time.

墨菲公司的政策是保护环境、员工的健康和安全, its customers and the public. 该船队力求以环境可持续的方式开展所有这些活动.

Every day, 墨菲的客户将他们的货物从我们的买球用什么正规app运送到全国各地. 我们使用我们的资产为基础的车队墨菲卡车来帮助他们做到这一点,并提供超光速运输服务. Operating out of Minnesota’s Twin Cities and the Kansas City, Missouri area, we help you get your goods to where they need to be.

What is an Asset Based Carrier?

货运公司分为资产型和非资产型两种. 区别在于公司是否有自己的设备将你的货物运送到目的地.

As an asset based carrier, 墨菲经营着一支卡车车队,帮助你将货物运送到中西部的目的地. 与此同时,我们通过与其他运营商合作经营一家非资产型第三方物流经纪公司. Doing so allows us to provide more flexibility to our customers, and it lets you reach more destinations with ease.

The Advantages of an Asset Based Carrier

The key benefits of working with an asset based carrier include:

  • Reliability
  • Cost-effectiveness
  • Security

当运营商控制更多的变量时,就更容易保持高标准, such as managing their own equipment and employing their own drivers. 

这些因素也使航空公司更容易有效地管理成本. At the same time, all liability for any issues is centralized in one company. 我们管理自己的机队加上与其他航空公司合作的模式,使我们能够灵活地为客户提供两全其美的服务.

What is FTL Transport?

FTL stands for ‘Full Truck Load.顾名思义,它包括运送足够的货物来填满一辆卡车的整个货物区. This is in contrast to LTL or ‘Less Than Truck Load,’ which means that your goods only fill up part of the cargo area, so you share the space with other shippers.

运输超光速的主要好处是你的货物直接到达目的地,因为你是唯一一个使用货物区域的人. As such, they will arrive more quickly at their intended destination. 对这种简单直接的选择的渴望是我们在墨菲提供超光速传输的原因.

Secure and affordable rail logistics

通过Murphy定制的铁路货运服务,帮助您解决最大的物流挑战. With strong partners in rail logistics, we offer a wide range of transload services at economical rates.

铁路货运是许多美国企业理想的运输解决方案. With a shortage of truck drivers plaguing the supply chain industry, intermodal transport has become increasingly attractive. Additionally, it offers reduced costs due to economies of scale, competitive shipping times, and efficient distribution.

At Murphy, 我们利用我们在铁路货运行业的关系,将产品连接到北美各地的目的地, whether for long-haul or drayage. We have directly partnered with all Class 1 carriers serving the Upper Midwest, including Burlington Northern Santa Fe, Union Pacific, Canadian National, and Canadian Pacific. 我们还与进步铁路地区短线铁路建立了牢固的关系, making us the second-largest private rail shipper in the region.

Murphy’s logistics network gives us a commanding position in the market. 我们的铁路合作伙伴可以通过专用铁路线直接访问墨菲的铁路存储设施,从而为我们的客户降低货运成本.

Advantages of Rail Logistics

Better Safety, Lower Insurance Premiums – 铁路货运降低了许多与长途运输相关的操作风险,如盗窃, accidents, cost fluctuations, traffic jams, truck driver shortages, and more. 铁路物流的保险费比卡车货运低得多.

Environment Friendly –  Rail logistics is greener than truck freight due to fewer stops and high volume transport. On average, intermodal rail is 3-4 times more fuel-efficient than trucks.
Complex Cargo Needs – 具有定制物流需求的工业产品可以通过我们的运输服务进行短距离运输或通过铁路货运进行长途运输. 我们也为高价值产品提供专业的索具和安装服务.

The Murphy Advantage: Why Choose Us

Broad Range of Services: Our expertise includes the entire spectrum of post-production distribution. We specialize in rail freight transport, customized storage, piggyback containers (combined cargo), fulfillment services, packaging, rail transload, quality control, freight audit, cross-docking, customs support, last-mile delivery, precision rigging, and postponement services.

Flexible Scaling During Peaks: 我们的铁路货运服务在处理大量sku和简化许多第三方物流无法控制的复杂供应链方面处于有利地位. 我们还为日常多式联运提供不同的低SKU型号.

Complete Control Over Your Supply Chain: We maintain firm control over your products throughout the supply chain. 铁路转运和分配由内部工作人员进行,以确保通过我们的跨国合作伙伴网络进行无损坏的货运和未风化的储存.

Integrated Network: Over the last 100 years, 我们已经建立了一个合作伙伴网络,完成了整个物流需求. 我们的物流合作伙伴给了我们信心,让我们不断为客户迎接新的挑战.

Custom Distribution

Customized solutions for goods handling


Murphy understands that no two customers are alike. 每个供应链都是独一无二的,不能通过普通的物流服务来优化. While other logistics service providers work on economies of scale, we leverage our capabilities to match specific customer demands. 我们与不同行业背景的客户建立了许多长期合作伙伴关系.

A Solution For Every Challenge

一个多世纪的经验教会了我们如何理解客户的客户. 我们的客户包括各种规模和类型的B2C和B2B企业. 我们深度投资于建立库存,以解决广泛的定制物流挑战.

For heavy-hauls, we provide a wide range of flatbed trucks along with rigging, millwright, and erecting services. For e-commerce partners and omnichannel deliveries, we provide last-mile delivery, pick and pack, and reverse logistics. 我们还提供增值分销,包括标签、配套、检验和合规.

我们有资格处理各种各样的货物,从工业机械到冷链物流. 我们与客户建立了长期合作伙伴关系,他们知道我们乐于解决他们独特的物流需求.

Our custom distribution services include:

  • Transload and Cross-docking Services
  • Full Truckload Shipping
  • Local and National Transportation Solutions
  • Pool Distribution
  • Flatbed Shipping
  • LTL Shipping
  • Rail Shipping
  • Rail Siding
  • Kitting Services
  • Pick-and-Pack
  • Customs Support
  • Extensive Order Fulfillment Options
Custom Distribution: Why Choose Us

墨菲在爱荷华州、双子城大都会区和堪萨斯城经营着15家工厂,其中有4家.200万平方英尺的干燥,温控,室外,食品级仓储空间. 我们拥有一支庞大的现代化货运车队,配备内部员工和实时监控,以确保超本地交付始终准确.

Murphy 3PL Network

Murphy takes pride in its partnerships in the industry. We have one of the largest networks of 3PL brokerage partners, giving our clients the best price discovery in the market. 作为上中西部最大的商业铁路转运供应商之一, we can provide low-cost, flexible rail hauls to our clients.

Customized Inventory Control

The Murphy Vendor Management System is one of the best in class, 客户可以远程访问其资产的所有信息并做出实时决策. Vendor data is updated in real-time across all stages of the supply chain.

Midwest International Logistics Center: Murphy Foreign Trade Zone

墨菲是唯一一个拥有通用119对外贸易区(FTZ)的地区参与者。. Located on our Minneapolis campus, this hub is dedicated to goods kitting and reassembly before entering US soil, helping importers avoid inverted tariff and customs restrictions.

International Logistics

International capabilities for global growth

At Murphy, 我们的目标是简化进出口产品的仓储和配送流程. 我们通过我们在明尼阿波利斯的中央考察站和中西部国际物流中心来做到这一点. 这些设施帮助企业在正式进入美国之前符合监管标准.

Central Examination Station (CES)

Murphy operates the Central Examination Station as a U.S. 各种规模的跨境货物(整箱及拼箱)清关检验中心. 我们接受所有贸易通道的货运,无论是铁路、卡车还是空运.

我们投资国际物流解决方案技术,提供额外的安全保障, ensure proper storage of perishables, and speed up container movements. As a bonded warehouse, we prepare products for inspection and sampling. 我们的文件和清关专业知识帮助许多企业快速轻松地完成合规流程.

We also work closely with several government agencies: The U.S. Department of Homeland Security (CBP), The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA), The Food and Drug Administration (FDA), The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms (ATF), and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), to name a few.

Midwest International Logistics Center (MILC)

墨菲经营着3501关税区内第119保税区唯一的通用对外贸易区. It is located at our Minneapolis logistics campus (MILC). 通用区使进口商能够将货物进入自由贸易区,以便在向美国海关提交进口文件之前识别和纠正货物中的任何问题.S. Customs. The other FTZ in the area is at the Minneapolis/St. Paul International Airport.

作为海关保税买球用什么正规app,墨菲为全球供应链提供了多重优势. Importers and exporters can use us for long-term storage of imported freight, product modification, 以及出口进口货物进行全球运输,无需任何关税或检验.

Importers, in general, 可在一般对外贸易区内从事下列空运和海运业务.

  • Product De-Assembly, Re-labeling, Repackaging
  • Product Testing/Sampling
  • Product Repair and Storage (Up to 5 years for restricted goods)
  • Salvaging, Destroying, and Manipulation
  • Cleaning, Processing, Mixing

Through MILC, our International Logistics Division, 我们专注于国际保税仓储和集装箱货运站服务.

因为墨菲有经验和人脉,以确保您的国际物流需求得到及时和正确的满足, we know we can help you progress your business forward. 买球用什么正规app,了解我们如何满足您的定制需求,以确保最佳的全球运输体验!

Partner with Murphy Logistics

No matter how large or small your shipments are, we can handle it. Murphy Logistics has served the Midwest for over 118 years. We are a customer-focused, woman-owned company, and we further enhance our efforts by using the EOS operating system. 咨询我们的物流服务专业人员,通过与我们的团队联系,帮助您找到最佳答案 612-260-9442 today.